Targeted Consultation
Consultation is a collaborative process with your stakeholders. Our team provides high leverage, targeted consulting to meet the ever changing demands of school improvement and reform initiatives. Through strategic planning with administrators, staff developers, mentors, coaches, and supervisors, creative options are provided to support specific targeted needs.

All seminars are high-energy, interactive experiences packed with practical strategies to inform and improve instructional practices. Our seminars are created to provide administrators, educators, coaches and co-teachers with tools to learn how to work smarter, not harder to support effective instruction.

Personalized Coaching
Coaching improves the instructional practices of educators and celebrates positive outcomes. Our team supports the development and the implementation of curricular initiatives, co-teaching, and developing capacity for creative problem solving and self reflection. Building communication, identifying structures of support, and sharing tools for reflection and feedback, are the components of instructional coaching that can result in positive instructional outcomes.

From Panicked to Powerful Remote Teaching - Creating Opportunities for Student Engagement
Are you stressed? Are you worried about starting the year? Susan will be sharing tools, resources, and tips to empower you to successfully kick off this school year!
The active learning strategies explored will be practical, innovative, and highly effective in getting your learners actively engaged. Creating a highly engaged classroom through active learning strategies can promote community and empower all learners. Building relationships to create a classroom community is a key element in setting the stage for student engagement. Educators need to be equipped with activities to foster poster student-student and student-teacher relationships. Engaging teachers recognize the needs of students and plan for engagement based on those needs. This session will explore more than a dozen simple interactive engagement strategies, tools and resources that you can integrate into online/in class instruction as you begin the year.
Registration Coming Soon
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